Total number of Units
1-bedroom Units
Bachelor Units
Barrier-free Units
Adaptable Units
Total number of Units
1-bedroom Units
Bachelor Units
Barrier-free Units
Adaptable Units
With continuous operation for over 51 years, The KDS Apartments, located at 567 Cambridge Street South in Ottawa, provide a high quality of life for seniors living on modest income in a central location close to beautiful Dow’s Lake. The King’s Daughters and Sons Apartments Incorporated (KDS) is now ready to serve more seniors.
Like the rest of Canada, the senior population in Ottawa is growing. According to the Successful Aging Environmental Scan released by the United Way Ottawa in August 2016, Glebe-Dow’s Lake is among the five neighbourhoods with the highest percentage of seniors aged 85 years and over. The KDS organization was the first in Ottawa, and in the Glebe-Dow’s Lake neighbourhood, to provide purpose-built affordable housing for seniors.